Saturday, October 15, 2011

As The Day Turns

It is always amazing to me when a day starts out in what seems to be the worst possible way and ends up evening itself out with some good and bad. When I woke up this morning for work, I hadn't slept much, I had an argument the night before with a good friend and a headache and neck pain that made me want to cry. I knew that it was best that I call in sick for work because there was no way that I was going to be able to do any work in the condition I was in. It bummed me out a little bit because for the first time in a long time I had a great number of consecutive days of work without calling in sick.

Besides the aches and pains of my body, I received a call from the hospital telling me that the application packet that I sent in back in June and they originally told me that they had was actually lost in the mail. Interesting to say the least, I do feel a little bad for raising my voice at the lady on the phone, she was just the messenger of bad news. I knew that I had to get this taken care of so I decided to hand deliver the application packet this time. I had to go to my office and get all the paperwork, then go to the hospital where I was shuffled to three different departments before I found the person who could actually help me. He was a rather understanding man and even let me print out the only paperwork I was missing from his computer.

Then came a decently restful afternoon and a difficult should of been dinner. I was starting to lose hope that the day was gonna be a loss, then we went to the pub. I was thinking it would just be a chill night with some karaoke and meeting new people, nothing special. Then it just turned into all kinds of fun. My friend and I were cheering for the singers and random people just starting talking to us. We danced, we laughed, we conversed, and by the end of the night we begrudgingly had to leave so that we could be ready for a hike in the morning.

It is funny how things can happen that just change your perspective and attitude and make the world right even if for just a short time. All I know is that we vowed to go to the pub again sometime soon. 


  1. I am very happy to hear that you and your friend were able to turn your day around. What started off as a not so great day ended in singing and dancing. I don't know about you but I love when life turns into a musical. :)

  2. I don't know if I would call it a musical, but it was pretty darn close.


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