Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Everything Comes In Threes...

...or in my case twelves.

So much is happening these days. But what I have been thinking about most these last couple of days is a phrase. Why do we fall down?

Answer: So we can pick ourselves up again.

Life is full of hardships because in our lives we have to learn everything that we can. And the only way to do that is through experience. If we never experience sadness, heartbreak, financial hardships, things of that sort then we will never know. We will never know how to deal with such events in the future and we will never know how strong we actually are.

Our bodies may seem weak, nothing but flesh and breakable bones, but our will is strong. To continue to have courage to stand back up when everything seems to be pushing you down.

Courage to face the challenges that lay ahead even when you know they are going to be difficult and when you know that things can't be the same comforting ideas that they were yesterday.

Courage to do what you know in your heart is right, even if that means eating a little more Top Ramen than is necessary for the human body so that you can pay your tithing and your bills and live free of financial debt.

Courage to stand beside a family member even if you feel like you are watching them walk down a rocky path to the future. And courage take responsibility for faults that you didn't know you made.

Every day is about waking up and standing up to those things in life that we are afraid of. To be frightened of things and still wake up to face them is a test of our strength and will every day we live. It is never easy, but it is worth it for those moments of time when the fear and the challenges subside and we are left with only peace in our hearts and minds.

So I ask you, why do we fall down?

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