But the fact remains true, whether the business is successful or a complete failure there are people out there that are still going out on their own and at least trying to make their business happen. I am so floored by the fact that people are able to figure out where to go to make their dream a reality when it comes to small businesses. I just don't have the first clue as to even figuring it out.
Many people lately have been saying that I should open a bakery or market the foods that I have been making because they are impressed with the taste and the quality that comes out of my little kitchen. I can honestly say there is something desirable about a job that I could make the hours for. And to be able to do something that I really enjoy versus sitting at a desk all day. Don't get me wrong I am very grateful to have a job, but I sometimes feel like I am wasting away inside for 8 hours a day.
As I start to think about how I have no idea what I would be doing trying to start a business, where I would get money, equipment, supplies, or even how to advertise, I am even more amazed by those who do it. I guess sometimes it all comes down to whether or not you are willing to chase a dream that might fail and live or you are fine with something that seems mundane but safe.