Friday, April 6, 2012

Sweating It Out

I once had a friend that asked me why I enjoyed going home and showering right after the gym. I have always known part of the reason is because dang I stink after all that working out but I always knew there was something else involved. A different feeling that was more than just cleaning myself or letting my muscles relax in the warm water. Though those are both reasons that I do it as well.

I am currently re-reading my favorite book and it occurred to me that what I love most about showering right after a work out is this, there is a small victory that comes with washing away the sweat. In the book the water is recycled in the space station so the main character talks about everyone else getting a part of his sweat, the sweat of victory, of accomplishing something that no one thought he could do. That is how I feel every time I work out and then take a shower. It is part of victory for me, and everyone else will know I am victorious as the sweat is washed away and I am left clean and healthier.

1 comment:

  1. Victory!!! I still find your friends question odd. Unless you get unusually giddy about it. hahaha. Why question taking a shower after you've sweated a bunch? 1) It's kinda gross to just sit in your own sweat 2) Taking that shower and feeling great from an awesome workout is just...AMAZING. It's like you EARNED feeling so fresh and so clean, clean.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts :)